Turquoise – Buy Crystals Online – Healing Crystals



Turquoise is a promoter of self realisation. It assists creative problem solving and calms the nerves when speaking in public. Stabilises mood swings and brings inner calm. Turquoise is an excellent stone for exhaustion, depression or panic attacks.

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Keywords: Truth, Integrity, Intuition, Fidelity, Spirituality, Relationships, Balance.


Turquoise is becoming increasingly rare and costly.

A truth stone, it symbolizes a time to be honest with yourself. This stone reminds you to walk your talk.

Turquoise is also a protective stone and used throughout the ages for protective amulets. Today we also use it to protect against unwanted outside influences and pollutants in the atmosphere.

Turquoise promotes self-realisation. It assists in creative problem solving and calms the nerves when speaking in public. It stabilises mood swings and brings inner calm. Turquoise is an excellent stone for overcoming exhaustion, depression or panic attacks. It helps us communicate clearly what we want, and to then be able to communicate our desires to others in a way they can understand.

Turquoise is a good crystal to wear when you have decisions to make. Use to increase your creativity and speak your truth without fear, and to dissolve self-sabotage and allow for self-expression. Can also help you get more in tune with others.

Turquoise facilitates meditation and allows us to perceive information psychically. Turquoise centres and harmonises while revitalising. It aligns the chakras, brings peace of mind and creative expression and opens us up to loving communication.

Turquoise enhances our ability to see all aspects of ourselves, the good and the bad, and to integrate these aspects into a cohesive whole.

It also heals and cleanses our energy centres and our physical body.

One of the most versatile of the power stones, which is why Native Americans honour it. It strengthens and tones the entire body. Turquoise is an excellent healing and grounding stone. It also helps to develop your natural powers. It can also bring wisdom and is able to truly reflect the individual carrying or holding it.

Turquoise is a Master Healer and can be placed on all the chakras.

Turquoise is a Master Healer and can be placed on all the chakras. It works at the throat Chakra enhancing communication skills and can be beneficial to the thyroid and the voice.

Enhances healing and immune function; it protects and detoxes, while it tones and strengthens the entire body. Aids muscle and tissue regeneration and relaxes cramps. It relieves headache and is beneficial for the circulation and respiratory systems. Fights viral infections and soothes stomach problems.


As Turquoise is hard to get, some customers replace it with African Turquoise.

Read more about Turquoise Meaning and Benefits.

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© Ron and Sue Windred.

Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.
My Crystalaura provides quality healing crystals and associated metaphysical products at affordable prices. They are tools of healing, inspiration and hope. Your personal intention to change or improve yourself empowers them. We sell and advertise our products in good faith, but results and outcomes do vary and cannot be guaranteed. We accept no responsibility or liability for the effectiveness of these products.


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