Howlite – Buy Crystals Online – Healing Crystals



Howlite is an extremely calming stone. It is an exceptional antidote to insomnia. Howlite will link to spiritual dimensions preparing the mind to take in wisdom and insight. Howlite teaches patience and helps eliminate rage and uncontrollable anger.



Howlite, is named after its discoverer Henry How a 19th century mineralogist and geologist, who first discovered it in Nova Scotia. A calcium borosilicate hydroxide, Howlite is found in continental evaporite deposits where it most commonly forms in white or grey nodules with a sub-vitreous lustre that appear like the heads of a cauliflower. Veins of black web-like streaks often are interlaced throughout the nodules, adding to their character.

Its structure is monoclinic with a Mohs hardness of 3.5 and lacks regular cleavage. Howlite nodules weighing up to one hundred pounds have been found in California.

Slabs of Howlite are often painted with scenes and designs that make artistic use of these veins and it is commonly used to make decorative objects such as small carvings or jewellery components. Natural Howlite accepts a nice polish and it is porcelain like lustre is extremely attractive.

Howlite is one of those minerals that are much more famous for imitating another mineral than it is in its natural state. Due to the fact that it is a fairly soft gemstone, and takes dye easily, it has become an inexpensive alternative to more costly gemstones. Its natural snow like colour can be dyed with any rich hue, it can resemble turquoise, lapis lazuli or red coral, so well, you would never guess its beginnings.

Astrologically Howlite is connected with the zodiac sun sign of Gemini.

Howlite is known for its strong association with self-awareness, creativity and improving emotional attitudes. It enhances character building, encourages a sense of decency, and promotes desirable personal characteristics. Howlite aids in overcoming rage and dispelling anger, resentfulness, and selfishness and allows you to look inside for answers. It calms communication as it facilitates awareness and encourages clearer emotional expression.

It decreases an overly critical state of mind, rudeness and offensive behaviour, increasing subtlety, decency and tact. It heightens creativity and it helps formulate ambitions and aids in achieving them. Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates the desire for knowledge. It teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress. It is also rather supportive for those who tend to procrastinate.

Meditating on a piece of Howlite can assist you in journeying outside the body and gaining insight from your past lives. Placed upon the third eye, it opens memories of previous times and lifetimes.

Howlite is predominantly a calming stone; it will assist with sleep, calm an overactive mind, ease insomnia, facilitate dreaming, and dream retention and stress relief. Physically it calms the whole body and releases muscle tension. It eliminates pain brought about by stress, and is said to aid in healing stress related injury such as ulcers, heart problems and rashes.

It is helpful in balancing the calcium levels in the body and soft tissue as well as strengthening teeth and bones.


© Ron and Sue Windred.

Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.
My Crystalaura provides quality healing crystals and associated metaphysical products at affordable prices. They are tools of healing, inspiration and hope. Your personal intention to change or improve yourself empowers them. We sell and advertise our products in good faith, but results and outcomes do vary and cannot be guaranteed. We accept no responsibility or liability for the effectiveness of these products.


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