About Us
Meet the people behind MyCrystalaura.
Ron and Sue Windred
Ron and Sue Windred – who are we?
As Crystal and Reiki Masters we have a profound appreciation of the metaphysical properties and healing energy of crystals.
We studied Crystal Healing at the International Academy of Vibrational Therapies. We also started Akasha Keep, a Teaching and Healing centre in the Brisbane Valley.
MyCrystalaura has been supplying crystals and other New Age products to discerning customers since 2002. We are practicing healers and use all the products we sell in the course of our teaching and therapy work.
Do you want to know more about us?
The above is a short bio to provide confidence to you our customers that we know what we are talking about and have an in depth understanding of the products that we sell. Some of your questions tell us that some of you would like a bit more depth.
Ron Windred
Ron, an abridged biography: Born into the baby boomer generation I grew and spent my childhood and formative years in the safety and idealistic times of the fifties and into the sixties. From my perspective life was a great adventure and most of the time all was wonderful. I had loving parents and an extended family who saw to it that I was well looked after, safe and secure. They did their best to provide and I seemed to lack for nothing, oblivious to how tough we were doing it at times.
My working life started at fifteen when I entered an apprenticeship with the NSW Railways. But with a love of nature, I had a real hankering to live and work on the land. So I spent most of my spare time in the country and living a rural lifestyle, including all the hard work that goes with it, but I loved it!
In my early twenties I found I had a flair and love for selling, so changed direction to pursue a new career as a specialty salesman. Sales and Marketing presented many new challenges, but they were met and I soon found myself as a leader in my industry. I thrived and developed my own businesses and partnerships. While I was competent at management my passion was out in the field selling.
My mid to late twenties saw me married and divorced. In my late thirties I returned home to Sydney developed a successful broom business.
The next Chapter
In 1996 I met Sue and within a heartbeat we were engaged, and six months later married. To this day Sue is my love, soul mate, and business partner in our various endeavours.
Soon after our marriage we both seemed to be being directed toward the healing arts and teaching. Family were urging us to move to Queensland and we were resisting. After several visits to the Somerset region of Queensland we impulsively decided to move. Forces were at work and in 1999 we were guided to ten tranquil country acres in Lowood. In 2000 our place got its name ‘Akasha Keep’ and we changed the direction of our lives and dedicated our property and ourselves to healing and teaching.
Throughout my life I have had a profound interest in metaphysics and have avidly pursued, studied and applied much of this subject in my life. I now draw upon this knowledge in my current business and personal pursuits.
Sue Windred
Sue, an abridged biography: Like many baby boomers I grew up in a carefree era. We made our own entertainment, we had no computers and TV was a novelty. Most of my childhood was spent outdoors. I have always had a love of nature, both the bush and the beach. As a child I had a collection of rocks, all different shapes and sizes. One of my favourite pieces of jewellery as a child was a Tigers Eye pendent given to me by my grandparents.
I was married at nineteen and had three children, who are now all living lives of their own. Sadly my marriage didn’t work out and after seventeen years, I divorced and was now a single mum.
My love of rocks came to the fore again and I found myself pursuing the world of crystals.
It was time to find the real me again. I started by taking some short courses; aromatherapy, meditation, massage and lots of others in the same field. Ballroom dancing caught my attention and it was during one of my lessons that I met Ron. There was an instant knowing; we hit it off straight away. I felt I had known him all of my life. We now know through past life regression sessions that we have shared many lives before.
My Crystalaura®
MyCrystalAura journey: Once we were married we undertook intensive training in many fields of energy work and vibrational therapies together. We then moved to our present home and our learning accelerated. We studied a Diploma course at the International Academy of Vibrational Therapies and completed an intensive and extensive curriculum in Crystal Therapy. As well as achieving our diplomas in this we also became Reiki Masters. This led us to starting our healing and teaching practice from our place.
Our clients and students wanted to be able to buy crystals from us at our centre, so we started to sell a few. From this modest beginning we grew, and after a short while we were selling crystals at our local markets as well. Then for a short time via party plan. We didn’t like the time commitment for the party plan business and it didn’t quite gel with us, so soon we dismantled it.
It was now time to bite the bullet and embrace technology and start a web site and 2004 saw the birth of MyCrystalaura.com.au. This has been a big learning curve for us and after many wrong turns and a great deal of loving care and attention we think we are on the right track. We now buy large numbers of crystals and other associated metaphysical products that are made available to you, our customers. We feel blessed and privileged to have the opportunity to be of service everyday, to you, and to be the intermediary in the journey of these special crystals coming into your possession.
MyCrystalAura and what makes us different.
We believe who we are, what we stand for, and our cumulative experience combine to make us and your experience with us very different. Sue and I have both undertaken intensive training in the broader metaphysical fields and gained an extensive understanding of energy and its affect on the human body and psyche and draw on this every day in running our business.
We were spiritually directed and attracted to our place and commenced our centre. It wasn’t long before we discovered that is located upon an energy vortex which emits a very beneficial and healing energy of its own. This combined with our own healing energies and over a decade as a meditation retreat has created a powerful, positive, loving and healing energy that imbues itself into everything and everyone that visits. Especially the crystals that pass through, waiting to go to those they are meant to. Whether they are in our care and guardianship for a short stay or longer, they can’t help but pick up on this energy. And this is the home of MyCrystalaura.
As Reiki Masters, both of us transmit a powerful healing energy that is transferred into the crystals and other products that we handle and sell. We also employ all of our skills and talents in the sourcing, handling and distribution (sales) of our crystals and other products. We do our best to ensure we source high quality, vibrationally energetic stones from around the world that are moderately priced.
Our Products
Before we started MyCrystalAura we already had a close and harmonious relationship with our suppliers. Since then we have developed new connections who enjoy helping us to hand pick our stock. We physically and energetically cleanse all of the crystals we buy and sell as they come into our possession. This ensures they go to you clean, clear and ready for you to work or play with. We still encourage you to do this yourself when you receive them.
In conclusion, if you have read to here, you should have gleaned that we love what we do, work closely with Great Spirit and follow guidance. We are still actively learning and love sharing this knowledge with you. Sure we’re here to make a profit, but we do this by providing service to you and we will do what we can to be of help in the process.
MyCrystalaura is operated using professional and efficient management systems, guided by ethical principles. We strive to deliver prompt and efficient service and provide an extensive range of quality, value for money products.
Contact Us
More Info
Address: P.O.Box 173
Lowood. QLD. 4311
Phone: 07 5427 9618