Crystals for Addictions

Crystals for Addictions


Addictions, whether they’re big or small, physical or emotional, unfortunately, we all experience them to some degree. Most of us want to alleviate them in order to live a healthier, happier and more balanced life. While support from our friends and peers is appreciated and very helpful, these 5 crystals for addictions should help us overcome our dependence.

Recovery from addiction requires help. So assistance from a strong support system, a positive attitude and an optimistic mindset play their role. In addition, using crystals for addictions is an ideal aid in recovering from addictive behaviours. They can also assist in overcoming unhealthy emotional patterns, or the ravages of drugs, alcohol, or other substances.

Spiritual well-being and positive energy play a crucial role in the recovery process. Crystals for addictions can help to promote favourable feelings that enable a stable, soothing inner focus. Willpower and focus are also needed in order for a complete and total recovery to occur. This requires daily discipline and persistence.

There are different ways in which these crystals can help with overcoming addictions. Carry them with you as a constant reminder of your desire to overcome your addiction. In weaker moments get them out and handle them as a distraction from the addiction and a reminder of your goal: to be addiction free. The energetic properties of these crystals help with the healing process.

These five crystals for addictions encourage a healthy and inspiring approach to alleviate dependence. These 5 crystals make up the content of our Addictions Kit available in our online store.


Five Crystals for Addictions

Amethyst – detoxifies the body, alleviates withdrawal symptoms. It derives its name from the ancient Greek word for “not intoxicated” as it is believed to protect its owner from intoxication. Amethyst has the ability to remove negative energy. It is an excellent choice for alleviating the pain of addiction on the physical, psychological and emotional levels. It is known to put people in touch with their spirituality. Instils the wisdom needed to overcome any negative thought patterns.

Hematite – brings willpower and focus in overcoming addictions. It is one of the premier crystals for addictions. It helps to release any unwanted patterns from your life. Hematite also helps overcome habitual behaviours and removes any self-imposed limitations, along with encouraging expansion or growth. It grounds and protects us while making us feel safe and secure. It boosts self-esteem and survivability while enhancing willpower and reliability and imparting confidence.

Addictions Kit Amethyst, Hematite, Labradorite, Rhyolite, Lepidolite

Labradorite – imparts resolve, eases transition and change, reduces cravings of addictions. It stimulates physical activity, ‘kick starting’ the energy necessary to get into action. Labradorite readily reveals true intentions, as it balances intuition and intellect and helps to dispel illusions. It provides support when facing and navigating all types of changes and challenges and attracts strength and perseverance. It relieves insecurity and apprehension about your personal value.

Rhyolite – instils persistence with addictions, a detoxifier. It carries a strong vibration for change. Encourages the softening of mental attitudes and physical accrual and promotes discipline and rational thinking. It helps when stuck and unable to adjust to the changes in life. Rhyolite also assists in making adjustments as we encounter these life changes. It has a vibration of happiness and joy that flows into your life and is an excellent aid for overall self-esteem. It also has a strong cleansing action that assists with detoxification.

Lepidolite – stimulates the brains pain centres, alleviating addiction and mood swings. A stone of transition that helps release and reorganise old emotional and behavioural patterns that will instigate positive life changes. It is a protective stone that engenders self-love, patience and optimism. Lepidolite contains lithium; so it is helpful in stabilising mood swings and is useful in the reduction of stress, anxiety and depression. It is heartening for overcoming any kind of emotional or mental dependency and supportive in releasing you from addictions. It conveys gentleness and balanced energy.


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© Ron and Sue Windred.
Disclaimer: The outlined metaphysical and healing properties in this website are for inspiration and reference. We gather this information and alleged properties from writings, books, folklore and various other sources. They are also dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. Furthermore they do not replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

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